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Responsive grids in action

Realistic layout

We want a site with a header, a sidebar, a content area, and a footer. like this:

Doggo World

Here's the code for a non-responsive version.

  • <body>
  •   <div class="container">
  •     <!-- Header -->
  •     <div class="row">
  •       <div class="col-12">
  •         <p class="h1">Doggo World</p>
  •       </div>
  •     </div>
  •     <div class="row">
  •       <!-- Sidebar -->
  •       <div class="col-4">
  •         <ul>
  •           <li>
  •             <a href="Home page URL">Home</a>
  •           </li>
  •           <li>
  •             <a href="Blog page URL">Blog</a>
  •           </li>
  •           <li>
  •             <a href="Store page URL">Store</a>
  •           </li>
  •         </ul>
  •       </div>
  •       <!-- Content -->
  •       <div class="col-8">
  •         <h1>Are doggos the best?</h1>
  •         <p>Doggos are the <em>best!</em></p>
  •       </div>
  •     </div>
  •     <!-- Footer -->
  •     <div class="row">
  •       <div class="col-12">
  •         <p class="small">
  •           No rights reserved.
  •         </p>
  •       </div>
  •     </div>
  •   </div>
  • </body>

You can try it.

Let's make it responsive, on cell phones. On all sizes above extra small, we'll want:

Normal layout

Stacking: header, sidebar, content, footer

First, let's stack the regions up. The sidebar will stretch across, and above the content region, like this:

Everything stacked

Here's the code to do it. Just the changes to the earlier code.

  • <div class="row">
  •   <!-- Sidebar -->
  •   <div class="col-xs-12 col-sm-4">
  •     ...
  •   </div>
  •   <!-- Content -->
  •   <div class="col-xs-12 col-sm-8">
  •     ...
  •   </div>
  • </div>

You can try it.

When the window is extra small, both the sidebar and content get 12 grid columns. Each one fills the container, so you get the sidebar, with content below it.

When the window is small or wider, the sidebar gets four columns, and the content gets eight. That's enough to fit in one line in the browser, the they're side-by-side.

Here's what it looks like. On a small screen:

On a small screen

On a very small screen, the same page looks like:

On a very small screen


I just want to check. You changed a few classes, and that's it?

Yes. The stacking thing is pretty easy, and for most sites, it works fine.

Stacking isn't your only option, though. Let's look at a couple of different layout changes we could make for mobile.

Hiding the sidebar

We might decide that users can do without the sidebar on very small screens. BS makes that easy, too.

So, when the screen is small or above, we want:

On a small screen

On a very small screen, we want the sidebar to go away:

Hidden sidebar on a very small screen

Remember, this is the same page. It looks different on different window sizes.

You can try it.

Again, just a few changes to the classes.

  • <div class="row">
  •   <!-- Sidebar -->
  •   <div class="d-none d-sm-block col-sm-4">
  •     ...
  •   </div>
  •   <!-- Content -->
  •   <div class="col-xs-12 col-sm-8">
  •     ...
  •   </div>
  • </div>

d is short for "display" in classes beginning with d-. The format is d-{size}-{visibility}.

For example, <div class="d-md-none"> means "hide the div on a medium-sized display or larger." Doesn't make sense to do that, maybe, but that's what it would do.

<div class="d-lg-none d-xl-block"> means "hide the div on a large display, but show it on an extra large one." block means "show as a block," that is, make it visible.

You would expect that d-xs-none would hide the div when the display was very small, but it looks like that's missing from BS (at the time of writing). You have to use d-none. That works, because the size defaults to xs if you leave it out.

Here's our code for the sidebar:

  • <!-- Sidebar -->
  • <div class="d-none d-sm-block col-sm-4">

When the display is extra small, hide the sidebar. When the display is small or larger, show the sidebar, and make it four grid columns wide.


Sooo cool!

Indeed. BS is amazing.

Changing region order

Last one. On a small or larger screen, you want:

On a small screen

When the same page is on an extra small screen, you want to show the sidebar, but move it after the contents. So the user still has the sidebar if they need it, but they don't have to scroll through it to get to the content.

Sidebar moved down on extra small screen

You can try it.

BS has some ordering classes. Here's the code.

  • <div class="row">
  •   <!-- Sidebar -->
  •   <div class="col-xs-12 order-last col-sm-4 order-sm-first">
  •     ...
  •   </div>
  •   <!-- Content -->
  •   <div class="col-xs-12 order-first col-sm-8 order-sm-last">
  •     ...
  •   </div>
  • </div>

When the screen is extra small:

  • The sidebar is 12 columns wide (full container width), and it's the last in its row (that's the order-last; the xs is missing, but it works).
  • The content region is also 12 columns wide, and it's the first in its row.

When the screen is small:

  • The sidebar is 4 columns wide, and it's the first in its row.
  • The content region is 8 columns wide, and it's the last in its row.

Since the sidebar plus the content region are 12 columns wide, they fit side-by-side.

But wait, there's more!

We've talked about some of the most common goals for responsive design: stacking regions, hiding regions, and moving regions. There's lots more you can do, but we won't be talking about any more here. Check the official docs for more.




Make a page that looks like this on anything above an extra small screen:

Larger screen

The sidebar is to the left of the content region.

Note that the sidebar is only as wide as it needs to be, to fit the content. You might have to experiment a bit to figure out how.

On an extra small screen, the regions stack up, with the sidebar above the content region.

Extra small screen

Here's some HTML that might be useful. Use as much or as little of it as you want.

  • <p>
  •   <a href="">Recipe</a>
  • </p>
  • <p>
  •   <a href="">Puns</a>
  • </p>
  • <p>
  •   <a href="">Records</a>
  • </p>
  • ...
  • <h1>Pancakes for great goodness</h1>
  • <p>Sweet roll donut chocolate gummi bears powder candy. Tootsie roll sesame snaps sugar plum
  •   liquorice liquorice chupa chups topping. Topping macaroon chocolate bar powder.</p>
  • <p>Bear claw sweet lemon drops sweet roll. Biscuit caramels soufflé lemon drops icing tootsie
  •   roll. Cheesecake cheesecake chocolate cake. I love pudding soufflé.</p>
  • <p>Text generated by <a href="">Cupcake Ipsum</a></p>

Submit your URL as usual.

Up next

Just one more issue for responsive sites: how to make images responsive.