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Getting set up

We need to get you set up, so you can use your learning time well. That's what this module is about. (A module is a bunch of lessons on a topic.)

Let's start with the lessons. Lessons are in a tree, like this:

Lesson tree

You're on "Getting set up."

When you're ready, click the "More..." button to continue.

You can hide the lesson tree by clicking an arrow.

Hide sidebar

Try it.


Why would you want to hide the lesson tree?

To get more screen space. Maybe you're working on an exercise, and want your webpage editor and this site on the screen at the same time. Hide the lesson, and you'll have more space to work.

Two apps on the screen

You can hide the left sidebar, too. There's a little arrow for that, on the left of the screen.

OK, let's move on to the next lesson. Use the lesson navigator, or the tree. The navigator looks like this:

Lesson navigator (Sample - don't click me.)

It's at the top and bottom of every lesson.

See you in the next lesson!