This is an old site that will be taken down soon. Go to for the current site.

Exercise feedback

Some questions first.

Multiple choice

Suppose you forget your password to this site. You click the "Reset your password" link on the login form. The website says it sent you an email, but you can't find it. What do you do?


Try the reset password thing ten more times.


Ask your dog.


Check your email spam folder.

Multiple choice

You try to submit an exercise solution, but the website says the initials you typed don't match what it has on file for you. What do you do?


Legally change your name, so that your initials are ILP, for "I love pupperz."


Go to My stuff | Account | Edit. Change your initials to how they should be.


Hire an IT expert to figure it out.

OK, back to the show.

When you submit an exercise, it gets put in a queue, for a person to grade.


Wait. I figured a computer would grade everything.

Not with this course. All of your exercises are graded by a person. Artificial intelligence (AI) software isn't good enough to give accurate feedback on code. Multiple-choice questions, yes. Code, no.

Exercise status

You can check the status of your submissions in a few ways. First, you can check your notices. There's a link in the main menu.

Notices (Sample, don't click)


Remember the right-click-or-long-press-to-open-in-new-tab trick.

Second, you can click Your stuff | Submissions.

Your submissions link

Third, you can look at the exercise itself. For example, here's your first exercise, if you haven't submitted anything.

Not submitted

If you submit something, it changes to:

Submitted, waiting for feedback

The arrow points to a status message. When there's feedback, the status message will tell you.


Check out that message again. Here's the same screen shot:

Not complete

Exercises are either complete, or not. Your grader will mark exercises as complete, when you do them well. If they aren't complete, you can redo them. You get as many attempts as you want.