This is an old site that will be taken down soon. Go to for the current site.

Final project

Project requirements

Your final project is a website for yourself, or an organization. The organization can be fictitious, or real.

You can do the project alone, or with one other person. It's best to work with someone else, if you can.

Getting started

Time to get started on the final project. Bat a few ideas around with your friends. Ask other people in the class, with the class forum.


Someone might steal my idea.

The process

Process for the final project

Here's how you'll make your final project website.

Final project: A prototype

Cannot render reflect tag outside node context.

Log in

If you're a student, please log in, so you can get the most from this page.

Final project: A skeleton

Cannot render reflect tag outside node context.

Here's how you'll make your final project website.

  • Ideas: Done
  • Structure: list the pages and how they relate Next
  • Prototype: build a rough model of the site
  • Make it: make the final version

Time for the second step. Here's the idea I chose.

Starting your final project

Cannot render reflect tag outside node context.

Your final project is to build a realistic website, using techniques you learn in this course. You should start thinking about this now.